We are very much looking forward to welcoming a number of invited guests to Stuttgart for our Phase One Wrap-Up Workshop of the JVMG project on January 27-28.
The first day will feature presentations on the state of the art of the JVMG knowledge graph, followed by introductions of three collaborative research directions that will inform the further development of the knowledge graph in the upcoming years.
Day two will start with presentations by representatives of the online communities we have been working together with as well as colleagues from the Media Arts Database project. Then the discussions will continue with lightning talks by researchers who have supported the JVMG project and who have expressed interest in collaborating with us in relation to the domain specific contents of the knowledge graph or the project’s approach and technical solutions. Finally, the workshop will end with smaller group discussions on various content and infrastructure related focal topics.
The workshop will be held at Stuttgart Media University, and the first day, starting at noon, will be open to interested members of the public. Please get in touch with us for further information at the email address provided on the contact page, if you would like to attend the first day presentations.