
Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Kacsuk, Zoltan, Xiaoyan Yang, Saskia Dreßler, Federico Pianzola and Martin Roth (2024). Utilizing Metadata from Heterogeneous Sources within the Framework of the JVMG and GOLEM Projects to Identify Patterns in Anime-based Fandoms on AO3. Proceedings from the Document Academy, 11(1), article 6. Open access online.


Kacsuk, Zoltan, Magnus Pfeffer, Simone Schroff and Martin Roth (2022). Harmonizing Open Licenses among Online Databases of Enthusiast Communities: Challenges for the Legal Integration of Databases in the Japanese Visual Media Graph Project. Pop! Public. Open. Participatory. no. 4. Open access online.

ロート[Roth], マーティン [Martin] and プフェファー[Pfeffer], マグヌス [Magnus] (2022). 日本のビジュアルメディア領域の ための知識グラフ提供へ[Creating a knowledge graph for the domain of Japanese Visual Media]. デジタルアーカイブ学会誌[Journal of the Japan Society for Digital Archive], 6(1), 31–34. Open access download.


Bruno, Luca (2021). A Glimpse of the Imaginative Environment: Exploring the Potential of Data-driven Examinations of Visual Novel Characters. In: Martin Roth, Hiroshi Yoshida and Martin Picard, eds. Japan’s Contemporary Media Culture between Local and Global: Content, Practice and Theory. Heidelberg and Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 143-170. Open access download.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2021). Using Fan-Compiled Metadata for Anime, Manga and Video Game Research: Revisiting Azuma’s “Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals” Twenty Years On. In: Martin Roth, Hiroshi Yoshida and Martin Picard, eds. Japan’s Contemporary Media Culture between Local and Global: Content, Practice and Theory. Heidelberg and Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 117-142. Open access download.

Conference Papers and Presentations


Kacsuk, Zoltan (2024). New horizons for manga and anime research with the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Keynote presentation at Circulation, translation, transmediality. Comics in a globalized world (II). International Symposium, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 4-5 July 2024. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan and Tetsuya Mihara (2024). The Significance of Comprehensive Metadata for Manga Research: Introducing the Media Arts Database and the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Presented at the Visual Language Conference (VisLang) 2024, Tilburg University, Tilburg, 27-28 June 2024. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2024). Working with anime and manga characters from a digital humanities perspective: Lessons learned from the Japanese Visual Media Graph project and beyond. Presented at the Characters: Rights and Roles, International Workshop, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 25-26 June 2024. Presentation slides.

Yang, Xiaoyan, Zoltan Kacsuk, Federico Pianzola and Magnus Pfeffer (2024). Combining metadata on works and characters from heterogeneous sources on anime and fanfiction in the cooperation between the GOLEM and JVMG projects. Presented at DH Benelux 2024 – Breaking Silos, Connecting Data: Advancing Integration and Collaboration in Digital Humanities, Irish College Leuven, Leuven, 5-7 June 2024. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan, Xiaoyan Yang, Saskia Dreßler, Federico Pianzola and Martin Roth (2024). Utilizing metadata from heterogeneous sources within the framework of the JVMG and GOLEM projects to identify patterns in anime-based fandoms on AO3. Presented online at FanLIS 2024: Building Bridges II, City, University of London, 23 May 2024. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2024). Knowledge graphs and artificial intelligence in manga and anime research: Exploring the future of research with the Japanese Visual Media Graph project. Keynote presentation at the Taiwan Association for Animation, Comics and Games, Annual Conference 2024, National Chengchi University, Taipei, 20 April 2024. Presentation slides.


Pfeffer, Magnus (2023). The Japanese Visual Media Graph project – lessons learned from four years of work. Presented at the Metadata Models for Digital Archiving of Intangible and Experiential Cultural Entities workshop, International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Resilient and Trustworthy Digital Societies (IFDIK 2023), National Taiwan Normal University Library, Taipei, 4 December 2023. Abstract, presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). Working with vagueness: A pragmatic incremental approach to ontology development in the Japanese Visual Media Graph project. Presented at the Metadata Models for Digital Archiving of Intangible and Experiential Cultural Entities workshop, International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Resilient and Trustworthy Digital Societies (IFDIK 2023), National Taiwan Normal University Library, Taipei, 4 December 2023. Abstract, presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). Adding data on anime intermediate production materials in the collections of archive centers and libraries to the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Presented at the Doing things with anime materials: Approaching Japanese animation away from the screen, Durham University, Durham, 21 November 2023. Presentation slides.

Pfeffer, Magnus and Zoltan Kacsuk (2023). Presentación del proyecto Japanese Visual Media Graph. (Introducing the Japanese Visual Media Graph project.) Presented at Estudios de Anime. Del objeto a las humanidades digitales. (Anime studies. From the object to the digital humanities.) dx5 digital_&_graphic_art_research, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidade de Vigo, Pontevedra, 15 September 2023. Presentation slides.

Pfeffer, Magnus and Tobias Malmsheimer (2023). An open-source frontend for RDF-based knowledge graphs. Poster presented at GrapHNR 2023: Graphs and Networks in the fourth dimension – time and temporality as categories of connectedness, a joint conference of the Historical Network Research community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities, Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz and the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz, 18-21 July 2023. Poster presentation.

Pfeffer, Magnus and Zoltan Kacsuk (2023). Creating a unified ontology for the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Presented at Ontologies for Narrative and Fiction (hybrid workshop), the GOLEM project with the Center for Language and Cognition, the Center for Digital Humanities, and the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI, University of Groningen, Groningen, 3-4 July 2023. Presentation slides.

Pfeffer, Magnus, Hideyuki Ōtsubo, Zoltan Kacsuk and Martin Roth (2023). The impossible quest for the complete list of all anime. Presented at Mechademia 2023: Aftermath, Mechademia x Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto, 27-29 May 2023. Presentation slides, presentation text.

Pfeffer, Magnus (2023). Introducing the Japanese Visual Media Graph project. Presented at the JVMG Project Phase One Wrap-Up Workshop, Stuttgart Media University, 27-28 January 2023. Presentation slides.

Roth, Martin (2023). How to explore the data? Tiny Use Cases as a methodology for data-based media studies. Presented at the JVMG Project Phase One Wrap-Up Workshop, Stuttgart Media University, 27-28 January 2023. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). Legal integration of the JVMG knowledge graph. Presented at the JVMG Project Phase One Wrap-Up Workshop, Stuttgart Media University, 27-28 January 2023. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). Exploring Data Quality in the JVMG project. Presented at the JVMG Project Phase One Wrap-Up Workshop, Stuttgart Media University, 27-28 January 2023. Presentation slides.


Malmsheimer, Tobias (2022). SWIB 2022 Performance Comparison of select and construct queries of triplestores on the example of the JVMG project. Presented at SWIB 2022, Online conference, 28.11-02.12 2022. Presentation slides

Pfeffer, Magnus (2022). Enthusiast models of the Japanese visual media domain. Presented at the Twentieth International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, DCMI 2022 – Metadata Innovation: Inclusivity, Intelligence, and Interoperability, Panel on Metadata for Visual Media Arts – Manga/Comics, Game, Animation, Online conference, 3-7 October 2022. Presentation slides

Pfeffer, Magnus (2022). Enthusiast websites as a source for data on visual media. Presented at the Twentieth International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, DCMI 2022 – Metadata Innovation: Inclusivity, Intelligence, and Interoperability, Core Cultural Metadata Model (CCMM) Workshop, Online conference, 3-7 October 2022. Presentation slides

Roth, Martin and Magnus Pfeffer (2022). Japanese Visual Media Graph: Ein Beispiel für offene Forschungsdaten. Presented at the 18. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentag, Panel for Open Scholarship und Japanologie, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (online), 24-26 August 2022. Presentation slides

Kacsuk, Zoltan and Martin Roth (2022). Dataspaces / Datenräume als Zugänge zur visuellen Medienkultur Japans. Presented at the 18. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentag, Panel for Fokus Daten, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (online), 24-26 August 2022. Presentation slides

Roth, Martin, Magnus Pfeffer and Zoltan Kacsuk (2022). Developing the Japanese Visual Media Graph: An Open Knowledge Graph for Researchers Working on Japanese Anime, Manga and Otaku Culture. Presented at Digital Humanities 2022: Responding to Asian Diversity, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and The University of Tokyo (online), 25-29 July 2022. Presentation slides, video

Malmsheimer, Tobias (2022). Comparison of graph databases and triplestores on the example of the JVMG Project. Presented at Elag 2022, National Library, Riga, Latvia, 08-10 June 2022. Presentation slides

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2022). Utilizing Metadata Analytics for Research on Manga, Anime and Video Games: Introducing the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Presented at VI Foro Internacional de Creación en la Frontera: Manga in a postdigital environment, dx5 digital_&_graphic_art_research, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidade de Vigo, Pontevedra, 30-31 May 2022. Presentation slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan, Magnus Pfeffer and Martin Roth (2022). Exploring the commonalities and differences in descriptive metadata databases compiled by online fan and enthusiast communities and public administration agencies using the Japanese Visual Media Graph. Presented online at FanLIS 2022: Fan Futures – Beyond the Archive, City, University of London, 19-20 May 2022. Presentation slides

Roth, Martin and Zoltan Kacsuk (2022). Applying the Census Approach to Japanese Visual Media: Identifying Changes in Popular Culture with Metadata Analytics. Presented online at the 2022 National Conference of the Popular Culture Association, 13-16 April 2022. Presentation slides

Pfeffer, Magnus, Zoltan Kacsuk and Martin Roth (2022). Japanese Visual Media Graph – Bündelung des Wissens von Fan-Gemeinschaften in einem domänenspezifischen Knowledge Graph. In M. Geierhos, P. Trilcke, I. Börner, S. Seifert, A. Busch, U. Wuttke, … K. Genzel (Eds.), DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 8. Tagung des Verbands “Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum” (DHd 2022), Potsdam (pp. 151–155). Zenodo.
Presentation slides


Pfeffer, Magnus, Zoltan Kacsuk, Simone Schroff and Martin Roth (2021). Harmonizing Open Licenses among Online Databases of Enthusiast Communities: Challenges Encountered in the Legal Integration of Databases in the Japanese Visual Media Graph Project. Presented online at the Putting Open Social Scholarship Into Practice: An Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership & Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) Online Event, 8-9 December North America time / 9-10 December Australasia time 2021. Presentation slides, video, text

Malmsheimer, Tobias and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). An open-source frontend for RDF-based knowledge graphs. Presented online at the 12th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH) , Taiwan, 10-12 December 2021.
Presentation slides, Extended abstract

Kiryakos, Senan and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). Exploring the Research Utility of Fan-Created Data in the Japanese Visual Media Domain. In H.-R. Ke, C. Sian Lee, & K. Sugiyama (Eds.), Towards Open and Trustworthy Digital Societies. 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2021, Virtual Event, December 1–3, 2021, Proceedings. Cham: Springer.
Presentation slides, Full paper (preprint)

Roth, Martin and Zoltan Kacsuk (2021). Metadata Analytics for Critical Research on Visual Media Culture. Presented online at the Sixth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies, Special Focus—The Data Galaxy: The Un-Making of Typographic Man? University of Toronto, 7-8 October 2021.
Presentation slides, video

Roth, Martin and Zoltan Kacsuk (2021). Who populates Japanese Visual Media? A census of fictional characters based on fan-created data. Presented online at the 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Ghent University, 24-28 August 2021.
Presentation slides

Malmsheimer, Tobias (2021). Pubby: front end for RDF data. Presented at Mini-Elag 2021, Online, 30 June 2021.
Presentation slides

Roth, Martin, Magnus Pfeffer, Luca Bruno, Senan Kiryakos, and Zoltan Kacsuk (2021). Mapping Japanese Visual Media: Collaborating with enthusiast communities to open new research paths. Presented at Mechademia International Conference: Kyoto 2021, Online, 5-6 June 2021.
Presentation slides, video.

Kiryakos, Senan and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). “Japanese Visual Media Graph: Providing Researchers with Data from Enthusiast Communities . Presented at FanLIS 2021 Symposium: Building Bridges, Online, 20th May 2021.
Presentation slides, video.

Kiryakos, Senan, and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). The Benefits of RDF and External Ontologies for Heterogeneous Data: A Case Study Using the Japanese Visual Media Graph. In T. Schmidt & C. Wolff (Eds.), Information between Data and Knowledge. Information Science and its Neighbors from Data Science to Digital Humanities. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2021) (pp. 308–320). Regensburg, Germany, 8th—10th March 2021.: Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.
Full paper (preprint)


Kacsuk, Zoltan (2020). Revisiting “Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals” twenty years on: Can we use fan created databases to test one of Hiroki Azuma’s central arguments? Presented online at JADH2020: “A New Decade in Digital Scholarship: Microcosms and Hubs”, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University, 20-22 November.
Presentation slides, abstract.


Pfeffer, Magnus, and Martin Roth (2019). “Japanese Visual Media Graph: Providing Researchers with Data from Enthusiast Communities.” In 2019 Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, edited by Koraljka Golub, Marcia Zeng, Paul Walk, Sam Oh, and Tom Baker, 136–41. Seoul, Korea: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
Poster paper.

Data Publications

Kiryakos, Senan, and Magnus Pfeffer. (2021). Japanese Visual Media Graph – Anime Characters Database Ontology. Zenodo. Open access online.

Kiryakos, Senan, and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). Japanese Visual Media Graph – Visual Novel Database Ontology. Zenodo. Open access online.

Kiryakos, Senan, and Magnus Pfeffer (2021). Japanese Visual Media Graph – AnimeClick Ontology. Zenodo. Open access online.

Public Outreach and Education


Kacsuk, Zoltan (2024). “Digitális bölcsészet az anime- és mangakutatás területén a Japanese Visual Media Graph projekttel.” [Digital humanities in the domain of anime and manga research with the Japanese Visual Media Graph project.] Public presentation and discussion organized by Pécsi Akadémiai Bizottság (PAB) Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Munkabizottság and the Képregénytudományi Kutatóközpont, PAB Székház, Pécs (Hungary), 22. 03. 2024. (Report about the event.)


Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). “Introduction to Digital Humanities with the Japanese Visual Media Graph project.” Class held as part of Prof. Bryan Hikari Hartzheim’s Methods in Media Studies course at the Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University, 31. 05. 2023. Slides.

Pfeffer, Magnus (2023). ” Animation data”. Invited talk at the German-Chinese Media Curation Summer Academy “Material or Metaverse” – Session #4, online meeting, 13.05.2023. Slides.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2023). “Introduction to Digital Humanities for Japanese Studies with the Japanese Visual Media Graph project.” Class held as part of Prof. Jaqueline Berndt’s BA Thesis Course (JKA663) at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University, 17. 01. 2023. Part 1 slides, part 2 slides.


Pfeffer, Magnus and Zoltan Kacsuk (2022). Presentation on the Japanese Visual Media Graph project at the Graduate School of Manga, Kyoto Seika University, 25. 11. 2022. Part 1 slides, part 2 slides.

Pfeffer, Magnus (2022). “Das Projekt ‘Japanese Visual Media Graph.'” Presented at DeDeCo 2022, 22. 04. 2022.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2021). “Eine ‘Volkszählung’ von Charakteren in japanischen visuellen Medien.” Presented at DeDeCo 2022, 23. 04. 2022.


Pfeffer, Magnus (2021). “Japanese Visual Media Graph – Project overview.” Presented at HdM Innovation Day 2021, Stuttgart Media University, 24. 11. 2021.

Kacsuk, Zoltan (2021). “Japanese Visual Media Graph – Identifying changes in Japanese popular culture based on fan-created data.” Presented at HdM Innovation Day 2021, Stuttgart Media University, 24. 11. 2021.

Pfeffer, Magnus, and Zoltan Kacsuk (2021). “Offene Forschungsdaten am Beispiel des Projekts ‘Japanese Visual Media Graph.'” Presented online at the Open Up! webinar series, Stuttgart Media University, 16. 11. 2021.
Part 1 slides, part 2 slides, presentation video.