Presence at upcoming events, May-July 2024

We will be reporting on our joint work with the GOLEM project at FanLIS 2024: Building Bridges II, organized by CityLIS, on the 23rd of May, online.

Then, we will be introducing another aspect of our collaboration with the GOLEM project at DH Benelux 2024: Breaking Silos, Connecting Data: Advancing Integration and Collaboration in Digital Humanities on the 5th of June in Leuven.

June 25–26 we will be participating in the Characters: Rights and Roles – International Workshop at Stockholm University, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.

Following which we will be at the Visual Language (VisLang) Conference 2024 organized by the Visual Language Lab at Tilburg University (June 27-28) to present our work together with Tetsuya Mihara from the University of Tsukuba and the Media Arts Database.

And finally, July 4-5 we will be participating in the international symposium Circulación, traducción, transmedialidad. La historieta en el mundo globalizado (II) at the Institut für Romanistik, University of Hamburg.