As we’ve already written in our previous blogpost on our planned participation in events, we will be at DADH 2021 and ICADL 2021 in the upcoming two weeks:
- DADH 2021 : The Twelfth International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, December 10-12, 2021 (
- ICADL 2021: The 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, December 1 – 3, 2021 (
We are also happy to report that we will be presenting our work on the legal integration of the JVMG database in two weeks time at POSSP 2021, for which registration is free and available at the conference website:
- POSSP 2021 : Putting Open Social Scholarship Into Practice: An Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership & Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) Online Event, December 8-9 North America time / December 9-10 Australasia time, 2021 (
In early February next year, although we will not be presenting our work, we are excited for the opportunity to attend GNH 2022, featuring the conference theme “Knowledge Graphs and Reasoning – Promises, Potentials, and Pitfalls.” We look forward to the opportunity to learn about similar projects, and get in touch with the many people working on knowledge graphs in the humanities:
- GNH 2022 : Graphs and Networks in the Humanities: Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations, 6th International Conference, 3–5 February 2022, Amsterdam (
Then in March we will be presenting the JVMG project in German at DHd in Potsdam, which will be an excellent opportunity to continue the stimulating discussions we began with members of the the two working groups Graphen & Netzwerke and Digitales Publizieren at the Pimp your publication: Potenzielle Einsatzszenarien von Graphentechnologien im digitalen Publizieren workshop in April of this year (see our blogpost on the event):
- DHd 2022 : Jahrestagung des Verbands »Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum« , 7–11 March 2022, Potsdam (